Wednesday, August 4, 2010

He turns 35 now...

As salaamu 'alaikum...!

Today is 4th August.. it's a birthday of the most important person in my life.. Hari yang bersejarah buat suamiku as now he turns 35..heheh..he's getting older!

The number becomes bigger....heheh

We had a simple celebration on the birthday...with the kids..a small cake and satay..

Happy Birthday to u..happy birthday to u..happy birthday to ayah...happy birthday to you....

Semoga panjang umurmu, diberikan kesihatan & keberkatan dalam hidupmu, dimurahkan rezeki dan sentiasa bahagia di samping isteri dan anak2mu...

Haris, Tawfeeq & Haseeb with their Ayah...

Terima kasih kerana melayan karenah kami, berkorban apa saja untuk kami..dan bermacam2 lagi yang dilakukan untuk kami..
Ummi, Haris, Tawfeeq & Haseeb sayang ayah..
We love you so much..!!!

Happy birthday to my beloved husband........

Today's entry end here..till I write again..

ma'a slaama.
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. wah,,ada mkn2 nyer tgk kek:-)

  2. heheh..ala..mkn2 kecik je kak lynn..klu mkn2 besar mmg invite kak lynn punye..:)
